Immersive study of human behaviour in commercial spaces and product placement

Nowadays, with the aim of carrying out a marketing study, companies hire specific workers to gather information about the type of people who visit their shops, their characteristics, their itineraries and their purchasing trends. This task is arduous and laborious at the same time that it depends largely on the person who registers that data, directly influencing the precision and the quantity of them.
To automate this process, we propose a system with different interconnected modules that perform different but synchronized tasks so that the data obtained is consistent. One of the modules is devoted to obtaining the trajectory of the people who circulate in the trade. For this purpose, a network of cameras with a zenith layout is created, generating a scalable image and processing it in such a way that the trajectories and various metrics that parameterize the user’s behavior are obtained. Another module detects people who pass in front of a linear and the product they take from it. These modules use different types of cameras for image acquisition, both of visible and infrared light and with different types of lenses. To provide a total package, a last module detects the gender and age range of the people who visit the establishment. In this way, an individualized and generic study can be done to redistribute the products and generate offers according to the users.
From the data collected automatically by the system, a report is generated from which the company can make objective decisions, adapt the layout of its products, or customize them according to the characteristics of its clientele.
