Human Aircraft Roadmap for Virtual Intelligent System
- To carry out a State of the Art of cognitive computing algorithms.
- To identify realistic scenarios in which a digital assistant is likely to bring benefits to flight operations.
- To determine the shortcomings or related risks that could prevent this technology from being applied successfully in real life.
- To demonstrate the digital assistance concept in realistic scenarios and define guidance for its adoption.

Flight movements are growing significantly in Europe, with no trend reversal expected. The integration of unmanned aircraft into the air space will make traffic management even more complex.
A significant impact on pilots’ job is inevitable, with increasing information to deal with and new tasks to accomplish. Increasing automation is expected, with a view to support pilots and to prevent peak workload conditions.
Framing the human-machine interaction in terms of partnership will help building capacity in machines to better understand humans, and in people to engage collaboratively with them. In the cockpit, this partnership will lead to pilots using a set of new technologies, capable of self-learning, to anticipate needs and to adapt to pilots’ mental states. The versatility and problem-solving of humans will combine with the precision and repeatability of high-tech solutions.
In this context, the overall objective of the HARVIS Project is to identify how cognitive computing algorithms, implemented in a digital assistant, could support the decision-making of single pilots in complex situations. A future Artificial Intelligence in the cockpit concept will be demonstrated, and a roadmap providing guidance for its adoption by 2035+ will be delivered.
For more information visit the official Harvis web page.
